About Liz Monnier

My mom says that at age four, I was marching with the bands on television. My elementary school years were filled with dancing down hallways and putting on plays for neighbor kids. I learned to do cartwheels in the aisles of grocery stores.
During the summer of 1978, having recently moved to Fort Wayne, IN, I befriended several women who shared my love of dance and together we created the Fort Wayne Dance Collective, which still thrives.

I enjoyed a career that brought me in touch with many forms of movement and theatre including contact improvisation, the Bartenieff Movement Fundamentals®, the Feldenkrais Method®, Action Theatre, Music Together®, and studied with notable artists Joe Goode, Remy Charlip, Ruth Zaporah and many more.
My 37 years as Artistic Director of the Fort Wayne Dance Collective honed my skills as a teacher, choreographer, performer, director, and administrator.

I left my administrative position at the Fort Wayne Dance Collective in 2015 which coincided with my graduation from the Seattle Eastside Feldenkrais® Training. Since then, I continue to teach a variety of classes as well as focusing on my profession as a Feldenkrais® Practitioner. I recently became a Certified Bones For Life® Instructor.
You can learn more about my career and credentials in my bio.